Pazia Name Meaning

One who is golden

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Names Meaning Religion
Pabla Latin - Little; Humble; From The Name Pauline; A variant of Paula Spanish
Paca One who is a Frenchwoman; a free person Spanish
Pacca Another name of a pussycat; lovely person Spanish
Paciencia Latin - One who endures with courage; Patient Spanish
Paloma Latin - Dove; Peaceful; Derived from Palumbus which means a symbol of peace Spanish
Palomi Latin - Dove; Peaceful; Derived from Palumbus which means a symbol of peace Spanish
Pamelia A honey coated individual Spanish
Pamelina Honeyed, sweet like honey Spanish
Paola Latin - Small; Little; Humble; A derivative from the name Paula Spanish
Paquita An independent and free person Spanish

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Disclamiar:You can use Pazia names as a nick names or official names because it’s a compilation of all the names and you can choose names between short and long and choose whether you want it for nick name or official also these baby girl names list a collected from various sources so we can’t take responsibility of authenticity. Hopefully you will get the perfect Pazia baby girl name for your sweet one and congratulation it’s a girl because girls makes the home from house. Thanks for your visit at