Alcina Name Meaning

A sorceress who rules over a magical, strongwilled

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Alcina A sorceress who rules over a magical, strongwilled Greek
Aldora Old Greek - Winged Gift; Aldorah, Aldorra, and Aldorrah are variant forms of Aldora Greek
Aleksia Old Greek - Defender; Germanic - Noble; Honorable; Hebrew - Ornament; Brightness; A derivative of Alexia Greek
Alenka Old Greek - Bright One; Shining One; Hebrew - of Magdala; A variation of Alena Greek
Alessia Greek - Defender; Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind; A form of Alexandra Greek
Alethea Truthful One, Honest Greek
Alexa Guardian Of Mankind Greek
Alexandr Old Greek -Protector of Mankind; Defender of Men; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Feminine form of Alexander Greek
Alexandra Shelter provider Of Mankind Greek

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Disclamiar:You can use Alcina names as a nick names or official names because it’s a compilation of all the names and you can choose names between short and long and choose whether you want it for nick name or official also these baby girl names list a collected from various sources so we can’t take responsibility of authenticity. Hopefully you will get the perfect Alcina baby girl name for your sweet one and congratulation it’s a girl because girls makes the home from house. Thanks for your visit at