Library Cataloging Basics

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Library Support Staff Education and Training About ALA

Resources for Library Support Staff Education & Training. Interested in becoming a library worker? Find more information about what to expect at ALA’s Explore your Career Path...What Library Pages Need to Know, Becoming a Library Assistant or Technician, and What Library …

Status: Online

Press Releases News and Press Center

CHICAGO — The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the American Library Association (ALA) have announced 50 libraries that will host Americans and the Holocaust, a traveling...

Status: Online

Library - Holy Apostles College & Seminary

Special Collections unique to Holy Apostles College and Seminary Library include our Pope Francis collection, our Pope Benedict XVI Collection, our Pope Saint John Paul II Bioethics Lecture Series, our Faculty Collection, the publications of the Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles, our M.A. Theses Collection, and our M.A. Special Projects Collection.

Status: Online

ABLE – Idaho Commission for Libraries

ABLE has been providing library basics for library staff world-wide since 1998. Over 5,000 ABLE Course Completion Certificates have been printed and distributed to individuals in 32 countries.

Status: Online

A brief overview of some of the changes from AACR2 to RDA ...

Sources: RDA and sound recordings—a cataloging workshop by Kathy Glennan A brief introduction to RDA for scores & sound recordings by Nancy Lorimer Changes from AACR2 to RDA: a comparison of examples by Adam L. Schiff, Principal Cataloger, University of Washington Libraries Significant changes for cataloging music: AACR2 vs. RDA by Daniel Paradis, Concordia University

Status: Online

Statistics Guidelines and Definitions Yale University ...

Notes on Web Form Web-based statistics form. Note that movement of mouse scroll-wheel may cause numbers to be added or subtracted inadvertently from web form. Requests for future enhancement (dates represent point at which discussion took place; does not necessarily mean a …

Status: Online


Federal Depository Library Program. Join us in congratulating Steve Hayes on his well-earned retirement. A FDLP all-star by all accounts, Steve spent a great deal of his 45-year career working with Government documents.

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Bibliographic Cataloging: Serials - FDLP

Federal Depository Library Program. Replacement of Monograph Records with a Serial Record. When a serial record replaces ILS monograph records: 1) the monograph records are deleted from the CGP; and, 2) GPO holdings for the monograph records are deleted in OCLC.

Status: Online

L2 [Library Learning]

16. 9:00 AM PrairieCat Barcode Level Testing - RAILS Bolingbrook Training Room, RAILS Coal Valley Training Room [. 9:00 AM Barcoding I--Searching and Matching - N/A. 10:00 AM Ordering Audiovisual Materials - RAILS Burr Ridge Main Meeting Room / Videoconference Room. 1:30 PM RAILS Board Exposing Consortial Holdings Working - Conference Call, IHLS - Edwardsville - Large Meeting Room

Status: Online

Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Parts 1 to 6

Part III: MARC Terms and Their Definitions. This section covers how to read, understand, and use a MARC record. It deals with what librarians using a library automation system will see and need to understand on their computer screens when adding, editing, or examining records.

Status: Online