Aalaa Name Meaning

The one who has a great values or quality, highest in the world

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Names Meaning Religion
Aaliyah the name means To Ascend, High, Lofty, Sublime, Highly Exalted, Tall, Towering, The High, Exalted One Arabic
Aadab Name aadab has a meaning of Hope and need. The person who brings hope to the family Arabic
Aadila the female counterpart of aadil, which means a person with justified morality Arabic
Aadina the name aadina has a meaning of delicate, slender it also has a meaning of Friday Arabic
Aaeedah The name means Something of value given in return of some thing good, Reward in some cases it means return Arabic
Aaeesha the word has the meaning of She who lives" or "womanly" Arabic
Aafia The name signifies the person who cool and composed and free from all worries Arabic
Aafiyah the word means Healthy, or it signifies the person who has a state of well being Arabic
Aafiyat Health, freedom from illness. Arabic
Aafreeda the name signifies a person who is just put to existence or produced Arabic

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Disclamiar:You can use Aalaa names as a nick names or official names because it’s a compilation of all the names and you can choose names between short and long and choose whether you want it for nick name or official also these baby girl names list a collected from various sources so we can’t take responsibility of authenticity. Hopefully you will get the perfect Aalaa baby girl name for your sweet one and congratulation it’s a girl because girls makes the home from house. Thanks for your visit at babygirlynames.com